
10 Instagram Hacks Every Business Should Know in 2024

Picture of Written by Andra
Written by Andra

Content Writer at SocialBee

There’s no excuse not to be familiar with Instagram hacks in 2024. As the digital landscape continuously evolves, businesses are in a constant race to keep up and remain relevant on this social media platform

With over 2 billion active users, mastering Instagram can be your golden ticket to a wider audience. Just consider this: up until 2024, data showed that a staggering 90% of users followed at least one business. 

Now, more than ever, it’s critical for businesses to adapt and innovate. In this article, we’ll be shedding light on the top 10 Instagram tips that promise to give your business a competitive edge this year.

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Short Summary

  • In the fast-paced world of Instagram, staying updated with the latest features and hacks is essential for businesses. Instagram frequently introduces tools that can dramatically enhance interactions, so it’s important to keep up.
  • Enhance your Instagram profile by adding links to other relevant accounts in your bio. This can improve user engagement and drive traffic to associated profiles. 
  • If you have a Creator account, consider using Broadcast Channels to communicate more effectively with your followers.
  • Maintain consistency on Instagram by creating a content calendar and using scheduling tools to ensure your posts are published at optimal times, even when you’re busy. 
  • Utilize Instagram’s shopping features to turn your posts into an online shop. Tag products in your photos to make it easy for users to shop directly from your posts. 
  • Improve your Instagram Reels and Stories by using templates for quick and appealing content creation, and enable captions to make your content more accessible and engaging, especially for viewers who watch without sound.

Why Do You Need to Include Instagram Tips and Tricks Into Your Strategy?

When it comes to social media, Instagram stands as a colossal force. With its massive base of Instagram users, it’s more than just a platform; it’s an ever-evolving digital ecosystem. Falling behind on strategies can lead to a stagnant Instagram feed, decreased engagement, and potentially lost Instagram followers. 

Here’s why being aware of the latest Instagram tips is crucial:

  • You can craft up-to-date Instagram posts: To keep your Instagram feed posts and content strategy captivating and relevant, it’s essential to use the latest features. The Instagram app frequently introduces tools that, when used right, can dramatically enhance engagement.
  • You’ll be able to outshine your competition: There’s a high chance your competitors are deploying new hacks. Familiarize yourself with the newest trends to remain a frontrunner in the social media race.
  • You can enhance user experiences: The Instagram app constantly aims to improve user interactions. By embracing the updates, you offer your followers an optimized experience, making them more likely to stay and interact.
  • You can seize trending moments: Trends on Instagram can come and go in a flash. Being updated enables you to tap into these moments swiftly, appealing to both your existing Instagram followers and potential new ones.
  • You can understand your audience: The behavior of Instagram users evolves over time. Adjust your strategies to resonate with their changing preferences to maintain loyalty.
  • You can deepen audience relationships: The Instagram app provides unique ways to bond with your audience. Q&A sessions, polls, and other interactive elements help solidify genuine connections through these tools.

Top 10 Instagram Hacks You Need to Keep Track Of

In the fast-paced world of Instagram, staying updated is key. From content creators to small businesses, everyone’s looking for an edge.

Let’s take a look at the top 10 Instagram hacks you need to know:

  • Instagram profile hacks
    • Add another Instagram account to your bio
    • Use Instagram broadcast channels
  • Instagram post hacks
    • Plan and schedule your Instagram content ahead
    • Turn your Instagram grid into an online shop
  • Instagram story hacks
    • Hide hashtags in Instagram stories
    • Change the order of your Instagram stories highlights
  • Instagram growth hacks
    • Optimize your Instagram bio to appear in the Explore tab
    • Engage with other Instagram accounts
  • Instagram Reels and stories hacks
    • Create Instagram Reels using templates
    • Automatically enable captions for your Instagram Reels

Instagram Profile Hacks

Your Instagram account is the digital storefront of your personal brand or business. A well-optimized profile not only captures attention but also directs users to engage in meaningful ways. 

While the basics are crucial—like a compelling bio, recognizable profile picture, and cohesive feed aesthetics—there are advanced tweaks that can amplify your presence. 

Here, we delve into two lesser-known yet impactful profile hacks to make your Instagram profile stand out and work harder for you.

1. Add Another Instagram Account to Your Bio

Your Instagram bio is one of the first things visitors see, and it’s an excellent spot to guide them to other profiles associated with you or your brand. Whether you have a secondary account, a sister brand, or you’re collaborating with another creator, linking directly from your bio creates a seamless experience for your followers. Plus, it’s an effortless way to drive more traffic to other profiles you’re connected with.

Just take a quick look at Charli D’Amelio’s bio:

charli d'amelio instagram bio

Here’s how to link another profile to your Instagram account’s bio:

  • Open your Instagram app and head to your profile.
  • Tap on “Edit Profile” right below your profile picture.
  • In the bio section, start typing the username you wish to link. Remember to add the @ symbol before the username.
  • Once you’ve entered the desired profile handle, tap “Done” in the top right corner to save changes.

By integrating this simple technique, you make it easier for your followers to explore other facets of your brand or collaborations, enriching their overall Instagram experience with you.

2. Use Instagram Broadcast Channels

For those with a Creator account on Instagram, there’s a unique feature available just for you: the Broadcast Channel. This feature lets you communicate en masse with your followers, streamlining the engagement process.

broadcast channel

Source: Meta

If you’re keen to set up a Broadcast Channel, follow this straightforward guide:

  • Access messages: Start by tapping the message symbol located at the top right of your Instagram feed. Alternatively, you can swipe left on your screen.
  • Initiate a new message: Once you’re in the messages section, click on the symbol indicating the creation of a new message, which is also positioned on the top right.
  • Begin channel creation: A new set of options will pop up. The very first one should read ‘Create broadcast channel’. Click on it. This will lead you to a customization screen.
    • Name your channel: This will be the display name your followers see.
    • Choose your audience: Decide if you want the channel to be open to all or just a select few Instagram followers.
    • Channel duration: Specify when you’d like the channel to end.
    • Edit your visibility: Determine if you want this channel to be displayed on your public profile.
  •  Finalize: Once you’re satisfied with the settings, tap on ‘Create broadcast channel’ again to set everything in motion.

With these steps in hand, you’re all set to use Broadcast Channels effectively and engage with your audience in a new, exciting way!

Instagram Post Hacks

Instagram has evolved far beyond just posting pictures. To truly engage your audience and stand out in a crowded feed, it’s essential to know the tricks of the trade. Let’s see how we can improve your Instagram posts!

3. Plan and Schedule Your Instagram Content Ahead

Consistency on Instagram is more than just a buzzword; it’s the backbone of a successful strategy that keeps your audience engaged and returning for more. However, juggling between content creation and daily responsibilities can make consistent posting a daunting task.

Setting up a monthly or weekly content calendar helps you visualize and organize your posts. This ensures you maintain a balance in content types, themes, and posting frequency. Allocate specific days for different types of posts, be it testimonials, product launches, or user-generated content.

Manually posting every day might not be feasible, especially during peak engagement times. This is where scheduling tools come into play. These platforms allow you to upload, write captions, and set timings for your posts in one go. 

For instance, SocialBee’s scheduling features not only help you time your posts but also provide insights on optimal posting times, ensuring maximum reach and engagement. So, even if you’re in a meeting or on a vacation, your Instagram remains active, engaging, and consistent.

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Here are some of the SocialBee features that might interest you:

  • Supported platforms: Connect with audiences on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Pinterest, Bluesky, Google Business Profile, TikTok, and YouTube.
  • In-app design tools: Seamlessly craft posts using our integrated tools from Canva, Unsplash, and GIPHY.
  • AI assistance: Allow our AI Post Generator to curate captions and images, making content creation a breeze.
  • AI social media manager: Copilot is your AI-powered social media assistant. It designs and executes a tailored Instagram strategy for your brand based on your input, from beginning to end.
  • Content categorization: Organize your material into various categories for a balanced content strategy.
  • RSS feed connectivity: Directly import content from any blog’s RSS feed.
  • Tailored posts: Adjust and personalize content for each social platform.
  • Smart hashtags: Generate hashtags automatically based on visuals or post text.
  • Evergreen content management: Easily recycle timeless content and set expiration dates for dated posts.
  • Instagram grid: Get a real-time glimpse of how your Instagram grid will look like thanks to our grid preview feature.
  • Collaborative workspaces: Get access to multiple workspaces and features designed for team collaboration.
  • Link insights: Track the efficacy of your links using integrations with over 5 URL shorteners.
  • In-depth analytics: Monitor the growth metrics of your accounts and the performance of individual posts.
  • Direct engagement: Respond to comments or mentions from your audience directly within SocialBee.
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4. Turn Your Instagram Grid into an Online Shop

If you run an ecommerce business, you can’t ignore the power of Instagram shopping. It’s a straightforward way to turn your Instagram posts into a virtual storefront. Just tag products in your photos, and voila, users can shop directly from them.

Just look at Studio Noos. Their feed effectively uses the shopping bag icon on various posts, directing users to products they can buy instantly from each post.


And here’s something to consider: 70% of Instagram users browse the platform for shopping inspiration. So, by tapping into the Instagram shoppable posts, you’re positioning your business account right where potential customers are looking. Start utilizing this tool and potentially see a surge in your site’s traffic.

Instagram Story Hacks

Navigating the world of Instagram Stories can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially with constant updates and features being rolled out. However, by knowing a few nifty tricks, you can elevate your story game and truly engage with your audience. 

Here are some Instagram story tricks you might not know, but should definitely try:

5. Hide Hashtags in Instagram Stories

Visibility is essential on Instagram stories. Hashtags can significantly boost your reach, but they can also disrupt the visual flow. However, there’s an Instagram hack that allows you to reap the benefits of hashtags without compromising aesthetics.

These are the steps to hide hashtags in the Instagram story background:

  • Tap the + icon located at the top right of your feed.
  • Select “Story.”
  • Pick an image from the camera roll you want to feature on your Instagram story.
  • Introduce hashtags either using the hashtag sticker or by typing them out as text.
  • Select the hashtag text, and using a pinch gesture, shrink it down until it’s no longer visible.

Pro Tip: This method also works for location tags and mentions, allowing you to keep all your Instagram stories sleek and visually appealing.

6. Change the Order of Your Instagram Stories Highlights

By default, every new addition to your Instagram story highlights brings that particular highlight to the forefront of your profile. 

But often, this automatic arrangement might not align with your branding or marketing objectives. For instance, a strategically vital “Shop” highlight would ideally be the first thing users see. 

Here’s a workaround to reorder your Instagram story highlights:

  • Navigate to a highlight on your profile and tap on it.
  • Choose “Edit Highlight.”
  • Access your archived Instagram stories by tapping on the “Archive” tab.
  • Select an old Instagram story to add to your highlight, then tap “Done.”

Instagram Growth Hacks

In the ever-competitive world of social media, staying ahead on Instagram is essential. Learn how to optimize your profile and the way you use Instagram for better visibility:

7. Optimize Your Instagram Bio to Appear in The Explore Tab

Your Instagram account’s bio isn’t just a space for catchy phrases or contact information; it’s a valuable real estate that can boost your discoverability.

The Explore tab on Instagram showcases content tailored to user preferences, including profiles. When you use relevant keywords and hashtags in your bio, it increases the chances of your profile showing up for users who might be interested in content related to those terms.

Here’s how we integrated keywords such as “social media management tool” and “more leads” in our Instagram bio:

socialbee bio

Here are some tips to optimize the bio of your Instagram account:

  • Identify keywords: Think about words related to your brand, niche, or industry that users might search for.
  • Incorporate keywords: Integrate these keywords naturally into your bio. Avoid cramming; the text should still read smoothly.
  • Use hashtags sparingly: While you can include hashtags, don’t overdo it. One or two relevant and popular hashtags are sufficient.
  • Update regularly: As trends and search patterns evolve, revisit and tweak your bio accordingly.

8. Engage with Other Instagram Accounts

Simply posting content on your Instagram account is not enough. The true essence of social media lies in the word “social.” 

Engaging with other Instagram accounts can be beneficial for a couple of reasons:

  • Build authentic relationships: By interacting with other accounts, you create a two-way communication channel. This can lead to potential collaborations, partnerships, or just a loyal follower base that appreciates your active involvement.
  • Get algorithmic advantages: Instagram’s algorithm favors profiles that are highly interactive. By engaging with others, you signal to Instagram that your account is active and valuable, potentially leading to better visibility on your followers’ feeds.
  • Expand your reach: Engaging, especially with accounts in your niche or related fields, can introduce you to their follower base. It’s an organic way to get your profile noticed by potential new followers.
  • Staying updated: Regular interaction allows you to stay in tune with current trends, audience preferences, and emerging influencers in your field.

Now, while manual engagement is effective, it can be time-consuming. That’s where tools like SocialBee’s Engage Module come into play. 

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SocialBee streamlines your engagement processes, ensuring you don’t miss any opportunity to connect:

  • Types of interactions: Address all facets of engagement, such as comments and mentions. Never let an interaction go unnoticed.
  • Multichannel engagement: Beyond Instagram, SocialBee’s module allows you to engage on other platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Business Profile. A cohesive cross-platform strategy enhances your brand’s online presence.

Instagram Reel Hacks

Instagram Reels have quickly risen as a pivotal content format for capturing the audience’s attention and driving engagement. 

In a space where every creator and brand is vying for a moment of the viewer’s time, it’s crucial to optimize each Reel for maximum impact. From visually appealing designs to ensuring inclusivity, every detail counts. 

Here are some invaluable hacks to ensure your Reels not only resonate but also reach a broader audience:

9. Create Instagram Reels Using Templates

Instagram has made content creation more accessible than ever with its built-in Reels templates. Whether you’re drawing inspiration from a Reel you admire or starting from scratch, these native templates can streamline your content creation process. 

Here’s how to create Instagram Reels with the help of templates:

Option 1: Using Someone Else’s Reel as a Template
  • Find a Reel that catches your eye and which you’d like to use as a foundation.
  • Tap on the three dots located at the bottom right corner of the Reel.
  • If available, tap on the “Use as template” option. Remember, only certain Reels will have this feature.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to customize and make it your own.

template reel

Option 2: Starting with Instagram’s Own Templates
  • Navigate to the Reels tab.
  • Swipe left until you find the “Templates” option.
  • Browse through and select a template that aligns with your content vision.
  • Follow the provided steps on screen to fill in and customize the template.

new reel from template

Utilizing these built-in templates not only saves time but also provides a professional touch to your Reels, ensuring your content is both engaging and visually appealing.

In addition to Instagram’s built-in Reels templates, you can also explore the creative possibilities offered by Canva’s extensive library of templates. Canva provides a wide range of customizable templates for various social media platforms, including Instagram Reels.

By incorporating Canva into your content creation workflow, you can tap into a wealth of design options, ensuring your Reels stand out with unique and eye-catching visuals.  

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Plus, if you’re using SocialBee, you can enjoy a seamless integration with Canva to enhance your content creation capabilities, making it easier than ever to create compelling Instagram Reels.

10. Automatically Enable Captions for Your Instagram Reels and Stories

Instagram’s auto-caption feature is a game-changer, especially in our sound-off, mobile-first world. 

Here are some of the benefits of using captions in your posts:

  • Increased engagement: Many users browse their feeds in silent mode, especially when they’re in public spaces or multitasking. With captions, they can still grasp your content’s context, boosting views and interactions.
  • Accessibility: By including captions, you cater to the hearing-impaired community, ensuring everyone can enjoy your content.
  • Clearer communication: Sometimes, audio clarity can be compromised due to background noise or poor recording conditions. Captions ensure your message gets across clearly regardless of audio quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Often Should I Post on Instagram?

The frequency of posting on Instagram varies based on your goals, content strategy, and audience. However, a general recommendation is to post on your feed 3-4 times a week. For Stories, daily posting or every other day can be effective. 

Remember, consistency is more important than frequency. It’s crucial to maintain a regular posting schedule that your audience can rely on, while ensuring that the content remains high-quality and relevant.

2. How Can I Hide Comments on Instagram?

To hide comments on a specific Instagram post:

  • Go to the post where you want to hide comments.
  • Tap on the three dots at the top right of the post.
  • Select “Manage Comments.”
  • Choose up to 25 comments to delete simultaneously.
  • You can also tap “More Options” to block or restrict accounts in bulk.

To filter or hide comments based on specific keywords:

  • Go to your profile and tap on the three lines in the top right corner.
  • Tap “Settings”
  • Choose “Privacy” and then “Comments.”
  • Turn on “Hide Offensive Comments” or “Manual Filter” to add specific words or phrases.
3. What Are Other Instagram Hacks a Social Media Manager Needs to Know?

Here are some more hacks that can be beneficial for your Instagram page:

  • Pin top comments: Highlight positive engagement by pinning up to three comments on your posts.
  • Archive posts: Instead of deleting, archive posts to hide them from your profile while retaining their data.
  • Keyword search: Beyond account names and hashtags, use the search bar to look up keywords in post captions.
  • Shift between multiple accounts: Manage up to 5 accounts without logging out by adding them in settings.
  • Enable two-factor authentication: Enhance security by going to Instagram Settings > “Security” > “Two-Factor Authentication.”
  • Use Instagram’s built-in QR code: Share your profile outside of Instagram using the platform’s own QR code found in settings.
  • Embed Instagram posts on websites: Boost visibility by embedding posts directly on your website or blog.

Boost Your Social Media Marketing One Instagram Hack at a Time

As Instagram continues to evolve, adapting and utilizing these hacks can be the difference between a stagnant and a thriving online presence. 

By putting our Instagram tips into action, you’re not just optimizing your profile but also ensuring a more meaningful and effective connection with your audience. So, don’t wait for the competition to get ahead. Dive into these Instagram insights and give your social media strategy the boost it deserves. 

Ready to supercharge your Instagram game? Start your 14-day SocialBee free trial now!

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Picture of Alexandra

Content writer at SocialBee

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